1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Anointed, according to an appointment of God, a saviour of us, and Anointed Jesus, of the hope of us, 2to Timothy a genuine child in faith; favor, mercy, peace from God a Father of us, and Anointed Jesus the Lord of us. 3As I entreated thee to remain in Ephesus, departing for Macedonia, that thou mayest charge some not other to teach, 4nor to hold to fables and genealogies endless, which disputes occasion rather than an administration of God that by faith; 5(the now end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and conscience good and faith unfeigned; 6which some having missed, turned aside to foolish talking, 7wishing to be law–teachers, not understanding neither the things they say, nor concerning certain things they positively affirm. 8We know but, that good the law, if one it lawfully may use, 9knowing this, that for a just one a law not is laid down, for lawless ones but and for unruly ones, for ungodly ones and sinners, for impious ones and for profane ones, for smiters of fathers and for smiters of mothers, for man–killers, 10for fornicators, for sodomites, for man–stealers, for liars, for oath–breakers, and if anything other to the sound teaching is opposed, 11according to the glad tidings of the glory of the blessed God, which was entrusted with I; 12and give thanks I to the one having empowered me Anointed Jesus the Lord of us, because faithful me he regarded, placing into service, 13him formerly being a defamer and a persecutor and a violent person; but I received mercy, because being ignorant I acted in unbelief, 14superabounded but the favor of the Lord of us with faith and love of that in Anointed Jesus. 15True the word, and of all reception worthy, that Anointed Jesus came into the world sinners to save, of whom first am I; 16but through this I received mercy, that in me first might show forth Jesus Anointed the all forbearance, for an example of those being about to believe on him for life age–lasting; 17to the now King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible, only God, honor and glory for the ages of the ages; so be it.) 18This the charge I commit to thee, child O Timothy, according to the preceding in respect to thee prophecies that thou mayest war by them the good warfare, 19holding faith and good a conscience, which some having thrust away, concerning the faith were shipwreck; 20of whom is Hymenius and Alexander, whom I delivered up to the adversary, so that they might be taught not to revile.