1{\cf2 A wise Iudge will instruct his people with discretion: the gouernance of a prudent man is well ordered.} 2{\cf2 As the iudge of the people is him selfe, so are his officers, and what maner of man the ruler of the citie is, such are all they that dwell therein.} 3{\cf2 An vnwise king destroyeth his people, but where they that be in authoritie, are men of vnderstanding, there the citie prospereth.} 4{\cf2 The gouernement of the earth is in the hand of the Lorde, and all iniquitie of the nations is to be abhorred, and when time is, he wil set vp a profitable ruler ouer it.} 5{\cf2 In the hand of God is the prosperitie of man, and vpon the scribes will he lay his honour.} 6{\cf2 Bee not angrie for any wrong, with thy neighbour, and doe nothing by iniurious practises.} 7{\cf2 Pride is hatefull before God and man, and by both doeth one commit iniquitie.} 8{\cf2 Because of vnrighteous dealing and wrongs and riches gotten by deceit, the kingdome is translated from one people to another.} 9{\cf2 There is nothing woorse then a couetous man: why art thou proude, O earth and ashes? there is not a more wicked thing, then to loue money: for such one woulde euen sell his soule, and for his life euery man is compelled to pull out his owne bowels.} 10{\cf2 All tyrannie is of small indurance, and the disease that is hard to heale, is grieuous to the physition.} 11{\cf2 The physition cutteth off the sore disease, and he that is to day a king, to morowe is dead.} 12{\cf2 Why is earth and ashes proude, seeing that when a man dieth, he is the heire of serpents, beastes and wormes?} 13{\cf2 The beginning of mans pride, is to fall away from God, and to turne away his heart from his maker.} 14{\cf2 For pride is the original of sinne, and he that hath it, shall powre out abomination, till at last he be ouerthrowen: therefore the Lorde bringeth the perswasions of the wicked to dishonour, and destroyeth them in the ende.} 15{\cf2 The Lord hath cast downe the thrones of the proude princes, and set vp the meeke in their steade.} 16{\cf2 The Lorde plucketh vp the rootes of the proude nations, and planteth the lowly with glory among them.} 17{\cf2 The Lorde ouerthroweth the landes of the heathen, and destroyeth them vnto the foundations of the earth: hee causeth them to wither away, and destroyeth them, and maketh their memoriall to cease out of the earth.} 18{\cf2 God destroyeth ye memoriall of the proude, and leaueth the remembrance of the humble.} 19{\cf2 Pride was not created in men, neither wrath in the generation of women.} 20{\cf2 There is a seede of man which is an honourable seede: the honourable seede are they that feare the Lorde: there is a seede of man, which is without honour: the seede without honour, are they that transgresse the commaundementes of the Lord: it is a seede that remaineth which feareth the Lord, and a faire plant, that loue him: but they are a seede without honour, that despise the Lawe, and a deceiueable seede that breake the commaundementes.} 21{\cf2 He that is the chiefe among brethren, is honourable: so are they that feare the Lorde in his sight.} 22{\cf2 The feare of the Lord causeth that the kingdome faileth not, but the kingdome is lost by crueltie and pride.} 23{\cf2 The feare of the Lorde is the glory aswell of the rich and the noble, as of the poore.} 24{\cf2 It is not meete to despise the poore man that hath vnderstanding, neither is it couenient to magnifie the rich that is a wicked man.} 25{\cf2 The great man and the iudge and the man of authority, are honourable, yet is there none of them greater, then he that feareth the Lord.} 26{\cf2 Vnto the seruant that is wise, shal they that are free, doe seruice: he that hath knowledge, wil not grudge when hee is reformed, and the ignorant shall not come to honour.} 27{\cf2 Seeke not excuses when thou shouldest doe thy worke, neither bee ashamed thereof through pride in the time of aduersitie.} 28{\cf2 Better is he that laboureth and hath plenteousnesse of all things, then hee that is gorgeous, and wanteth bread.} 29{\cf2 My sonne, get thy selfe prayse by meekenes, and esteeme thy selfe as thou deseruest.} 30{\cf2 Who wil count him iust that sinneth against him selfe? or honour him, that dishonoureth his owne soule?} 31{\cf2 The poore is honoured for his knowledge and his feare, but the rich is had in reputation because of his goods.} 32{\cf2 Hee that is honourable in pouertie, howe much more shal he be when he is rich? and he that is vnhonest being rich, howe much more will he be so when he is in pouertie?}